
The Insurance Industry Doesn’t Know Fee-Only Fiduciaries Exist; Observations And Attendee Reaction To Bob Keebler’s Webinar About Retirement Income Planning

Retirement income planning has always focused on reaching a wealth accumulation goal by the time of a client’s retirement date, but managing assets after retirement to maximize income is ultimately what’s most important.   That was the subject of Bob Keebler’s recent webinar session. At a rapid clip, Keebler ticked off pitfalls, problems, and solutions -- why distribution planning is so important, the five-dimensional tax world practitioners must suddenly navigate, the...

How Advisors Can Help UHNWI Clients' Children With The College Selection And Admissions Process; Plus: College Inflation Rate Is Even Worse Than Everyone Thinks

  These statistics on the cost of college come from the College Board, an association for 6,000 of the world's educational institutions. College Board’s annual Trends Reports is relied upon by financial planners and the  press as the “gold standard” for measuring college inflation.   However, the statistics don't tell the full story. They actually mask a hidden price increase at U.S. colleges.   According to Bruce Neimeyer, of Global Search...

An Open Letter To Clients

With continued economic and political uncertainty, how do we convince our clients to stay the course? Ongoing communication is critical. Here is an excerpt of what I sent to my clients with their third quarter reports:  

Commenter On Retirement Income Planning Session: “This Webinar Allowed Me To Begin Outlining A Method Of Addressing My Client's Question Directly”

Thanks for the positive feedback about last Friday’s webinar about retirement income planning.  That headline captures the most poignant of many comments from attendees.   At the session, which is available for replay and continuing education credit, Manish Malhotra of Income Discovery, a sophisticated new retirement income modeling app, shows innovative and intricate ways to find optimal retirement income solutions. The session and CE credit are free to A4A...

The Real ObamaCare

Dear Readers, We hear a lot of contradicting media hype on ObamaCare. Without getting into the details of ObamaCare, I wanted to share this unsolicited letter that I received from a client. It was enlightening to me! Thanks, Sheryl



How and why does the Advisor Products system work?

In today’s times, when consumers have become more demanding and tech-savvy, financial advisors must use content marketing to attract, inspire, engage, and convert their prospective customers.

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  • Increase number of pages indexed in Google
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